1516 Park Avenue FRESH
1516 Park Avenue FRESH will be a new mixed-use, multi-family residential building with 44 apartments, 700 square feet of community facility space, and a FRESH grocery store on the ground floor. The Food Retail Expansion to Support Health (FRESH) is a New York City program that provides zoning and tax incentives to new developments that provide a grocery store in neighborhoods identified as food deserts. The project also utilized the as-of-right Quality Housing Program, which allows for changes bulk regulations and floor area deductions for providing certain building amenities.
The project required a certification by the Chairperson of the City Planning Commission that the 7,700 square foot grocery store met the design criteria outlined in the NYC zoning resolution. By providing the FRESH grocery store, the development received a 7,700 square foot zoning bonus, resulting in additional residential units.
More information:
Isaac Schwartz