Base rendering by FX Collaborative, Graphics and Labels by M. Pietrus

Campos Plaza II

Campos Plaza II is a public-private partnership between the NYC Housing Authority (NYCHA) and Madison Realty Capital. By transferring unused development rights from the NYCHA campus to the private site, the project will generate more than $20m for NYCHA to conduct much needed capital improvements for the residents living in Campos II. The new development will bring 166 units, 50 of which will be affordable, community facility space, and retail to an underutilized parcel in the East Village.

Because the entire site is located within a large-scale residential development, site plan approval was required. This required coordination between NYCHA, the private developer, and the City Planning Commission in order for land use approvals to be granted.

More information:

Presentation to the CPC

Public Partner



Madison Realty Capital


FX Collaborative